Gorgeous brunette babe taking a saucy dip in the pool!

At scoreland.com you will see some of the hottest extra large breasted hotties that love to show off their bangers whilst dressed to impress in their lovely lingerie. This young hot horny brunette is here to show you all her naturally big knockers that are tightly wrapped in her pink stringy bikini! Her name is Leanne crow and she’s one beautifully slim girl that enjoys her weekends splashing about in the swimming pool whilst showing off her amazing boobs and she soon starts this scene perfectly as she talks dirty towards the camera before she climbs down into the pool where she gently rubs her fingers over her huge breasts and tickling her erected attention seeking nipples.

It then proceeds as she lubricates her fingers by dipping them into the water before she takes the action to the next steps and slips her fingers into her wet pink cunt, thrusting between her moist pussy lips groaning with joy. As the scene goes on Leanne continues to finger her lush wet twat making it squelch from the excitement for a good few minutes before climbs on the side having the city view behind her where she shows off those beautiful bangers for one last time by shakes them about and you can now see all this fun for yourself at scoreland now!

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